Members of an East Renfrewshire Golf Club have been celebrated by Provost Mary Montague after they donated nearly £1000 to a local environmental charity.

The ladies of Bonnyton Golf Club were presented with a plaque which will now sit proudly in their village of Eaglesham in honour of their large donation to a small community charity, TREE.

The women’s golf club wanted to strengthen its ties to the local area and did so through a charity fashion show where it managed to raise the impressive sum.

Debra Clapham, one of the organisers and captain of the ladies’ club, said: “We had more than 100 people there, it was really well received.

“We thought we would raise a couple hundred pounds; we didn’t realise we could raise this much money. 

“When we told [the charity] how much, they were completely bowled over. It’s enough for them to ensure the village has plants for two years."

(Image: Supplied)

TREE works to brighten up areas of Eaglesham by inputting and maintaining flower planters around the village, one of these planters will soon have the celebratory plaque fixed to it. 

Debra explained that the small volunteer organisation does "beautiful work".

She added: "There’s only two or three ladies that do it and they don’t get much support so that’s why we thought we’d help them."

She was also very pleased to have the club’s work recognised by the provost, and said: “It was really nice she was very supportive of what we’re doing, making local connections and helping to enhance the environment.”

The club has also managed to increase their membership following the successful charity event and is looking to organise another. 

“We’re talking about a health and beauty event, and we’ve also started ‘get into golf’ to help ladies who have never played before to take it up,” said Debra. 

“I’m also really keen to try and help women who are suffering from mental health issues because golf is one of the best sports you can take up for that kind of thing."