A Barrhead man’s charity football match attracted a great crowd at the weekend and coined in thousands of pounds for charity.

The game took place on Sunday, July 28 at Dunterlie Park, the home of Arthurlie FC.

It saw organiser Robbie Baird and his family and friends take on his work colleagues from local government procurement experts Scotland Excel.

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The 25-year-old told the Barrhead News: “It was a great day.

"It looks like we have raised somewhere in the region of £4,070 all in.

“It was a really good turnout and I think the weather also helped with that.”

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The event came about because Scotland Excel, who are based in Renfrewshire Council’s building in Paisley, have an employee engagement forum and every year they choose a couple of charities to do events for.

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Melanoma UK and the Stroke Association were the two charities chosen this year, but Robbie decided to also raise funds for Dementia UK as it is close to the hearts of quite a few of the people who organised and played on the day.

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Following the event, an after-party was enjoyed at the Arthurlie Inns.