A Barrhead man has organised a charity football match and is calling on businesses in the town to lend their support.

Robbie Baird is hosting and playing in the game which kicks off this Sunday, July 28 at 2pm at Dunterlie Park.

The event is being held to raise cash for Dementia UK.

It will see a Barrhead team made up of Robbie and his family and friends from the town and surrounding places such as Paisley and Neilston take on his work colleagues.

(Image: Newsquest)

The 25-year-old told the Barrhead News: “I work for an organisation called Scotland Excel, which is based at Renfrewshire Council’s building in Paisley and does public sector procurement for all the councils.

“We’ve got an employee engagement forum and every year we choose a couple of charities and do some events for them over the years.

“It started from that and we chose Melanoma UK and the Stroke Association but I decided to take it into the local area in Barrhead and do Dementia UK because it’s a cause close to the hearts of quite a few people who are organising and playing on the day.”

(Image: Newsquest)

A JustGiving page has been launched which so far has raised more than £1,100 and Robbie hopes plenty of people will come down and support them on the day.

There will also be a raffle and he is appealing to businesses to donate prizes to this.

“We are in the final push just to try and get as many raffle prizes as we can and we are going to do an donation at the gate for people coming to spectate,” added Robbie.

“We have some raffle prizes from family and friends but it was just to see if any local businesses in Barrhead could help support as well.

“Hopefully if the day goes well then I’ll try and make it an annual thing that people can look forward to and we can support some charities every year.

“It’ll be a good laugh and hopefully we get as many people involved as possible.”

To get in touch about donating raffle prizes, email robbiebaird10@hotmail.com.

To donate, click HERE.