The ladies' team at East Renfrewshire Golf Club has raised nearly £2,000 for a health charity in honour of its captain's family members who have suffered from strokes.

The members raised £1,720 for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (CHSS) through a Christmas and Ladies’ Open Day event last month.

Fiona Frier, the Ladies’ Captain at the club, said: "My dad had a stroke when he was 84 but more surprisingly my youngest sister, who is 10 years younger than me, had a stroke and has been unable to work for the last three years.

"Time will tell if she can go back - it just shows how someone’s life can change in an instant.

“She was lying out in the garden three years ago and her sons realised she hadn’t come in for a while.

“They went out to see her and couldn’t rouse her. She was blue-lighted up to the hospital and her life changed in an instant. She’s doing pretty well all things considered.

“My sister has done a bit of volunteering with her son with CHSS for the Zipslide the Clyde event and that volunteering put CHSS in my mind when I was choosing a charity.

“Each captain chooses a charity and we have a couple of events to raise money for them throughout the year.”

Their Christmas event, known as the Turkey Trot, saw members playing nine holes.

The event raised more than £600.

The Ladies Open Day, the second event, raised more than £1,000.

Fiona said: “Ladies from other clubs across Scotland came and play in an event in teams of three. There was also a raffle, silent auction and a star prize raffle.

“From the generosity of our ladies who donated the prizes and the ladies in our club and visiting clubs we raised £1,070. Overall we’re really pleased to have broken the £1,000.”

Louise MacLeod, community, events and corporate fundraiser for CHSS, said: “We are extremely grateful to East Renfrewshire Golf Club for choosing CHSS as their chosen charity this year.

“The money they have raised will help us support the one in five people in Scotland who are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and long covid to live life to the full.

“Donations like these help us to provide support services in the community to allow people to better manage their conditions and stay healthy."