The final countdown is on to the General Election this Thursday (July 4).

As the big day approaches, we asked people living in Barrhead what issues are important to them.

Residents shared concerns about matters such as hospital waiting lists, transport, disability issues, social housing and the cost-of-living crisis.

Some of those we spoke also told us a bit about their voting intentions and their thoughts on political parties.

Christian OkoliChristian Okoli (Image: Newsquest)

For one Barrhead resident, this election is particularly notable as it will be the first time he is taking part in one since moving to the UK.

Christian Okoli, who has been living in Barrhead for the past year, said: "I'm wanting someone who would be more focused on the average man and key issues like food and electricity.

"That might be in place now but it's never too much.

"The living conditions just now are dire and we need more measures to help families.

"If the population is increasing we also need more nurseries to accommodate them."

The 35-year-old dad also commented that the few people he had spoken to about the election are planning to vote Labour.

"I am just going through the manifestos and still trying to make my mind up," he added.

(Image: Newsquest)

Fellow resident Steven Vosilius has just returned to Barrhead after a year and a half in hospital and said his top concerns are disability issues and social housing in East Renfrewshire.

"I waited six months for a house and so I was effectively bed blocking at the hospital during that time," the 57-year-old said.

"The lack of social housing and disability housing is shocking in Barrhead."

He also said he has encountered difficulties getting about locally and he would like to see this issue addressed.

"The lowering of pavements (is also a concern).

"I find it problematic because pavements are supposed to be lowered but some kerbs are very dangerous."

Margaret Heron, meanwhile, said it will be the first time in her life that she will probably not vote.

"I do not believe a word any of them say," the 75-year-old told the Barrhead News.

"When I was young you voted Labour. It was such a privilege to vote.

"They promise the world before the election and then do not do one thing.

"So many of my friends and relatives have said the same thing."

On this topic, she pointed to the double standards of politicians during the Covid as a major voting turn off.

"When you think what Boris Johnson got away with and the lies he was telling everyone. It's so sad.

"What's the point in voting for someone you think is lying to you."

Thomas McIntyre (Image: Newsquest)

Thomas McIntyre, meanwhile, said he used to vote Labour but this time he is switching to the SNP.

"We are going to have to go with who lies the best," said the 56-year-old.

"Labour is still connected to England.

"At least voting for SNP keeps it up here and Scotland will have a say.

"The SNP is the best out of the options just now."

Barrhead resident Margaret Greig said that transport is the issue she is most concerned about locally.

"We need to do something about the buses," she said. 

"Barrhead used to have a circular bus. It's shocking things in general."

The 67-year-old has voted for the SNP for a good few years and plans to do so again this time round.

"I'm voting SNP," she said. 

"I certainly don't want to see the Conservatives get in.

"I think for us Labour getting in wouldn't help us up here and I think we need the SNP. It's better the devil you know.

"I do not like Keir Starmer. He's a Tory with a red tie on and Labour and the Tories have a lot of polices that are very similar."

Stephen Higgins (Image: Newsquest)

Stephen Higgins from Barrhead said he would like to see more done to address anti-social behaviour in the town which he described as "horrible".

The 55-year-old is a long-time Labour voter and will be backing them again on Thursday.

"I am voting for Labour for the working person," he added.

"I know the SNP went closer but Labour will change things."

Rena McGuireRena McGuire (Image: Newsquest)

Rena McGuire, who has recently been ill, said that the issues currently at the forefront of her mind are hospital waiting lists and transport.

"I became an emergency and I got dealt with right away but there are a lot of people sitting out there in pain and waiting on operations and cant get them.

"I think that’s a big issue. Between that and transport. Transport is a big thing as well, especially here in Barrhead."