The Scottish Conservative candidate for East Renfrewshire has shared the key concerns residents have raised with him on the doorsteps.

Dr Sandesh Gulhane said that from speaking to voters he knows that “reducing NHS waiting times" and "ensuring patients can get GP appointments as quickly as possible are top priorities for people living locally.”

(Image: Sourced)

The practising GP said: "As a GP I am experiencing first-hand just how under pressure frontline healthcare services are right now.”

"I see patients who are struggling, or who cannot get appointments quickly enough.

"That has a devastating impact across our health service where backlogs are far too high despite the best efforts of my colleagues.

"I know that NHS waiting times are a top priority from speaking to voters right across East Renfrewshire, and if I'm fortunate enough to be elected on July 4, I want to use my real world experience of working within the NHS to help make the situation better for patients and staff.”

Mr Gulhane has worked in healthcare services across the United Kingdom and was working as a GP when the Covid pandemic struck in March 2020.

Earlier this year he launched his party's health paper which laid out their plans “to deliver a modern, efficient and local health service.”

While the candidate accepts health is devolved to the SNP Government, he said that policy decisions in how healthcare is delivered have “a knock-on effect across the United Kingdom”.

"The health paper I launched earlier this year is full of bold ideas to deliver the modern, efficient and local health service we need to meet the challenges of 2024 and beyond,” he added.

"I am fully aware health is devolved and the onus is on the SNP to match our ambitious plans having mismanaged our health service during their 17 years in office.

"However, decisions we take in relation to our health service often an impact across the UK.

"As your MP, I will work on a cross-party basis - potentially with other representatives who work in our health service - to deliver better outcomes for all in East Renfrewshire and across the country."