Councillors have backed residents’ calls for enhanced safety measures at a busy roundabout and crossing after a man was hit by a car and later died.

An 86-year-old pedestrian was rushed to hospital last month after the collision at Clarkston Toll, before passing away the following week.

In the wake of the tragedy, a petition was started by concerned local Carly Grant, highlighting the location's high volume of traffic, poor visibility, insufficient and unclear signage and non-existent crossing signals.

The open letter to East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) begging them to take action has since garnered nearly 700 signatures.

Cllr Annette Ireland, who represents Clarkston, Netherlee and Williamwood, told the Barrhead News that she is in “absolute agreement with the residents who are concerned about this junction and those who have started this petition.”

“I am very concerned myself for anyone who has to cross at this location as poor visibility, speed and traffic volume all contribute to making this a very poor crossing.

“I am particularly apprehensive about the local St Ninian's pupils who use this crossing every day going to and coming home from school.”

Indeed the spot is a main route for local schools, amenities and health services, a situation also highlighted in the letter.

Cllr Ireland said she has spoken to local police on the issue, East Renfrewshire’s education department and the environment department to ask what can be done to improve the crossing.

“I know that Network Rail are currently working on an initial design for a new walking, wheeling and cycling bridge across the railway at Clarkston adjacent to the road bridge and that work is being carried out by the council to investigate better Active Travel routes along Clarkston Road towards Clarkston, but none of these works will start before Spring 2025 and work is required right now on this crossing,” she explained.

“I will be continuing to speak to our roads and education departments and ask that this is investigated and that measures are put in place which will improve safety at this location.”

Fellow independent Cllr David Macdonald, who also represents the ward, described the junction as dangerous and said it puts people’s lives at severe risk when attempting to cross.

He added that his thoughts go out to the family of the gentleman who very sadly lost his life after being so severely injured at this location.

Calling for an end to the status quo, the local politician urged officers at ERC to give their matter “the full attention it deserves” by coming up with a solution to "this serious road traffic problem that exists” and bringing about "a much-needed improved option for people to cross safely.”

Last week, in response to the petition, an ERC spokesperson said: “The safety of our residents is a very high priority and we take road safety extremely seriously.

“Our thoughts are with the family of the person involved in the incident at Clarkston Toll at this especially difficult time.

“We will continue to liaise with Police Scotland, who are currently investigating the incident, and the details they provide will assist us to identify any measures which could improve safety at this location.”

To sign the petition click HERE.