A DEAL that will see young people aged 18 and under benefit from free bus travel has been hailed as “transformational.”

From next January, young passengers across the local area will be able to use a concessionary scheme to travel for free on buses, in the same way as over-60s already can.

The Scottish Government agreed to implement the move as part of a deal struck with the Scottish Greens during negotiations to pass its 2020/21 annual budget.

As well as making it easier for young people to travel to the likes of job interviews without being hit in the pocket, the new agreement aims to help protect the environment by cutting down on the number of car journeys being made.

Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer, who represents Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire as part of his West of Scotland remit, said: “Free bus travel for young people is a transformational step towards tackling the climate emergency, especially when transport emissions are actually going up in Scotland.

“This scheme will save young people and their families thousands of pounds a year, help tackle air pollution in many of our urban areas and encourage the kind of shift towards public transport that we need to see.

“Buses are the backbone of local public transport and the key to reaching education, employment and training opportunities for so many young people.”

Confirming the move to introduce free bus travel for those aged 18 and under, Cabinet Secretary for Finance Kate Forbes said: “We will begin the work now to ensure such a scheme is legally compliant and meets young people’s needs, with the aim of introducing it from January.”