A BARRHEAD church building will close its doors after 112 years.

The Methodist Church Hall on Cross Arthurlie Street has fallen into such a state of disrepair that the congregation has had no choice but to move.

The building, opened in 1904, will close for good on May 1 with the users moving to the Evangelical Church Hall, also on Cross Arthurlie Street.

According to church organisers, the situation has got so bad that mushrooms have started to form inside the church, and squirrels are tearing the roofing apart.

The church’s senior steward, Margaret Stevenson said: “Water has been pouring into the building in quite a few different places - we can grow our own mushrooms now the dam has gotten that bad.

“We had looked into the possibility having the repairs done however we found out that to get a specialist to come and even look at the building was going to cost in the region of £26,000.

“To be honest of the health and safety folk had come in to have a look we probably would have been turfed out a long time ago.

“It is quite sad to come in and look at it now, all the things that need done.”

The hall was built on land that was created beside the Levern River.

However it was never intended to withstand the vibrations and constant movement of heavy busses and lorries on Cross Arthurlie Street, and the very foundations of the building have been shifted.

The hall currently serves more than 60 people, however over winter they were often forced to huddle in freezing conditions.

Margaret continued: “There was twice that the heating just completely failed.”

However, some furry intruders have also made their home in the eaves of the church, causing havoc with its roof.

She continued; “I actually thought that there was someone on the roof one day, but when i went out to look there was just two squirrels.

“They’ve been moving the tiles and creating a lot of damage and leaks.”

Another Barrhead church has stepped in to give them a new home.

The Evangelical Church will now host the congregation, and its services will become methodist services.

A final thanksgiving service will be held in the Methodist Church Hall on April 17, and the first service in the new building will be held on May 1.