East Renfrewshire Council has announced the winners of the 2024-25 Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) elections.

The SYP divisions conform to Scottish Parliament constituencies, handing East Renfrewshire three seats, two in Eastwood and one in Renfrewshire South.

The new members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) are Jenson Black and Rydha Bhatti from the Eastwood constituency, and Yasmine Zourdani from Renfrewshire South.

In the current term, more than 1,400 young individuals from East Renfrewshire participated in the voting process held from February 19 to March 3.

The election runs on the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system, granting the newly-elected representatives the authority to voice constituents' opinions.

Steven Quinn, chief executive of East Renfrewshire Council and returning officer for this year’s elections, said: "A huge congratulations to our new members of the Scottish Youth Parliament who have been elected.

"MSYPs carry out valuable work for young people across East Renfrewshire so I’m looking forward to seeing the changes you drive and the impact you make during your term.

"I’m delighted that this year we had candidates standing from across each of our seven high schools, you all had important key issues which you put yourselves forward for, so you should all be proud of yourselves for your election campaign.

"My thanks go to all of the young people who took the time to vote, I’m certain our new MSYPs will continue to strive to make East Renfrewshire a better place for your generation."

Every two years, about 160 youngsters aged 14 to 25 are elected to represent every local authority and a few voluntary organisations, and campaign for positive change.

MSYPs are the voice of young people across Scotland, and spotlight their insights in the SYP's efforts on local and national matters.